It’s always exciting when a nonprofit can add additional staff and grow, but as your organization becomes larger it’s important to ensure that efficiency is increased to ensure sustainability. The demands on nonprofits are continuing to evolve, and organizations need to adapt to achieve their...

Nonprofits are facing increasing pressure to demonstrate their impact and make informed decisions. Organizations must continuously justify the allocation of resources, the focus of their programs, and the strategies in place to remain relevant going forward. One effective way to do all of the above...

Using data to drive the development of our organizations has become an essential strategy for nonprofits to maximize their fundraising efforts and community impact. With a few simple analytics, organizations can gain far-reaching insights into donor preferences and identify new funding opportunities. In this article,...

By Jackie Sue Griffin In nonprofit work, data is traditionally viewed as tangible metrics, offering a measurable lens through which organizations can gauge their impact. From the number of individuals reached to the funds raised, the emphasis has always leaned heavily on quantifiable outcomes. However, there's...