It’s always exciting when a nonprofit can add additional staff and grow, but as your organization becomes larger it’s important to ensure that efficiency is increased to ensure sustainability. The demands on nonprofits are continuing to evolve, and organizations need to adapt to achieve their...

In today's rapidly changing world, even nonprofit leaders need to commit to a mindset of continuous learning and professional development to remain relevant and effective in their current roles. This requires embracing opportunities for skill development, whether through reading books and articles, attending conferences and...

Staff turnover is an inevitable challenge for nonprofit organizations, but when approached properly, it can be an opportunity for growth. While turnover can disrupt operations and impact a team’s morale, planning ahead can help nonprofits smoothly navigate transitions and keep upward momentum going. Here are...

Using data to drive the development of our organizations has become an essential strategy for nonprofits to maximize their fundraising efforts and community impact. With a few simple analytics, organizations can gain far-reaching insights into donor preferences and identify new funding opportunities. In this article,...

Grant writing, like most things in our world, has changed dramatically since the start of the pandemic, creating new challenges and opportunities for nonprofits. With growing competition and evolving priorities among funders, getting the grants you need for your organization has become more difficult. However,...

Running a nonprofit organization can create a mountain-high list of tasks, from managing fundraising events to coordinating volunteer efforts and communicating with stakeholders. Having simple organization strategies in place is a game-changer for saving time and empowering your entire team to work more effectively. By...

By Jackie Sue Griffin In nonprofit work, data is traditionally viewed as tangible metrics, offering a measurable lens through which organizations can gauge their impact. From the number of individuals reached to the funds raised, the emphasis has always leaned heavily on quantifiable outcomes. However, there's...

Written by Jackie Sue Griffin Team Dynamics and Collaboration The collaborative aspect of grant writing  - its everything for success. Collaboration creates a collective effort where each team member contributes their unique skills and expertise. This construction of diverse capabilities combines the skillsets of research, data, proficient...

Written by Jackie Sue Griffin The approach of year-end budget management can sometimes create an intimidating challenge: the use of granted funds in a time crunch. Failing to effectively utilize provided grant money before the year’s end (or contract date) can trigger setbacks, posing a threat...