09 Jun The Hour Has Come
By Reverend Angel L. Sullivan One of the worst parts of my call as an ordained minister serving as a chaplain is to look a parent in the face as I stand with the doctor when he or she says, "I am sorry. I...
By Reverend Angel L. Sullivan One of the worst parts of my call as an ordained minister serving as a chaplain is to look a parent in the face as I stand with the doctor when he or she says, "I am sorry. I...
By Sylvie Griffiths I had my first child back in 2005, and, in all of the lessons I learned in that year of firsts, I realized that parenting is a balancing act. Balancing multiple relationships: kids, significant other, friends and co-workers—all simultaneously. Balancing working or...
“Yoga found me,” Tracy Kendrick says. “I was sentenced to prison in 2008—what brought me there was drug addiction and alcoholism.” In her life before prison, she says, “I had no way of knowing anything about yoga.” It just wasn’t part of her world. Tracy’s...
PERC, People Empowering and Restoring Communities, is a nonprofit in Pinellas County, Fla., that works with men and women transitioning from incarceration back into society. PERC provides transitional housing, case management, outpatient substance abuse treatment, group counseling, paid workforce training, pre-employment skills development and employment...
Caroline Karp was classically trained as a painter from a young age, working mostly in oils. When she started her bachelor of fine arts at Florida State University, she says, “I knew the technical skills for being a creator of artwork—mixing paint, etc.—and I felt...
When we last spoke with Brandi, she was a newlywed and busy entrepreneur. Now, she’s a new mom, happy wife and busy entrepreneur—during a global pandemic! Brandi and Mitch welcomed their first child, son Troy, in February, and we couldn’t resist checking in with her for...
Born in Uganda, Youth Coordinator Denise Birungi Evans joined the local nonprofit Hillsborough County Anti-Drug Alliance (HCADA) in 2013 after completing her bachelor’s degree in public health. Denise is focused on training students to raise awareness of the dangers of tobacco use (including vaping) among their...
By Sylvie Griffiths Living in the days when coronavirus is spreading globally isn’t my ideal topic. In part because I like to do positive and humorous writing when I’m down. Writing is my escape; clearing my head when thoughts overwhelm my brain, expressing things I would...
By Elliott and Jake Potter HERStory contributor Elliott Potter shares many connections with his son Jake–a love of athletics, journalism degrees from the same college and a passion for music. Now they’re also bonded by challenges in the development of Jake's 3-year-old son, Landon. ...
By Jackie Sue Griffin As a journalist, I thought I’d mastered all forms of written and oral communication. Then my son, Devon Tyler Konyha, was born September 18, 1990. My son has high-functioning Autism Spectrum Disorder. Raising Devon has provided me the opportunity to relearn everything I...