How to Keep Volunteers Engaged in Your Nonprofit During the Summer Season

Volunteer engagement is a critical aspect of any nonprofit organization, and keeping volunteers engaged during the summer can be challenging. The summer months bring myriad distractions, such as vacations, outdoor activities, and social events, which can cause volunteers to lose focus on their commitments. However, there are several strategies that nonprofit organizations can implement to keep their volunteers engaged and motivated throughout the summer season.

First, effective communication is vital in keeping volunteers engaged. Nonprofit organizations should maintain consistent contact with their volunteers, ensuring they know of upcoming events, projects, and other pertinent information. Regular updates can help volunteers feel informed and connected to the organization. Various communication channels, such as email newsletters, social media, or even personal phone calls, can be used to keep volunteers informed.

Second, creating a summer volunteer program can help engage volunteers. A summer program should offer fun and engaging activities that align with the organization’s mission, such as outdoor volunteer events or virtual volunteer opportunities that can be done from anywhere. The program can help volunteers stay engaged and excited about contributing to the organization.

Third, showing appreciation for volunteers’ contributions can go a long way in keeping them engaged. Recognizing and thanking volunteers for their efforts and the positive impact they make on the community is essential. A summer volunteer appreciation event can be hosted to recognize volunteers’ hard work and dedication. Showing appreciation can help volunteers feel valued and motivated to continue supporting the organization.

Fourth, offering flexibility in scheduling can help accommodate volunteers’ summer plans that might conflict with their volunteering schedule. For example, offering weekend or evening volunteer opportunities can provide flexibility for those who cannot commit to the regular weekday schedule.

Finally, providing opportunities for personal development, such as training or skill-building opportunities, can benefit both volunteers and the organization. These opportunities can help volunteers develop new skills or advance existing ones, which can ultimately enhance the organization’s impact.

In conclusion, keeping volunteers engaged during the summer season requires a concerted effort by nonprofit organizations. By maintaining consistent communication, creating a summer volunteer program, showing appreciation for volunteers’ contributions, offering flexibility in scheduling, and providing opportunities for personal development, organizations can keep volunteers motivated, excited, and engaged throughout the summer season.

The role of volunteers in any nonprofit organization cannot be overstated, and by showing appreciation and offering opportunities for personal development, organizations can build a strong and committed volunteer base. If you would like additional advice about how to keep your nonprofit thriving we would love to be of service, don’t hesitate to reach out to the professionals at Jackie Sue Griffin and Associates by contacting us here.



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