A Guardian Angel on Earth and in Heaven

By Elizabeth Domenech

Sometimes in life, you find people in your path that change you forever. People that (in many cases) love you and care for you even more than your blood relatives. People who push you to be better and never let go of you. I found my person in 2005!

I was about to graduate with a bachelor’s in Public Relations and Advertising when one of my best friends called me; her new boss wanted to add someone else to the team. With no experience on my side, I went to the interview—in a fancy restaurant in San Juan, Puerto Rico (“Really, a restaurant?!” were my first thoughts about this job prospect). The first thing this person I’ve never met asked me was, “What type of wine do you drink?” And right then and there I got my first lesson: on wine.

His name was Enrique Grau, a well-known publicist in Puerto Rico with a track record like no other. He didn’t interview me that night. He told me what he expected of me, and I left that restaurant with a job.

The first three months in the job, I left the office crying every single day. I couldn’t understand a word that came out of his mouth. He spoke way too fast and assumed I knew everything he had on his mind. But I was determined to get my job done, so I dried my tears, and I got it done!

Enrique became so much more than my boss; he became my guardian angel, and I became his.

We were inseparable; I could literally read his mind, and he could read mine.

He taught me how to be a professional Public Relations Specialist, how to be strategic, how to write a press release, how to engage with the media; he taught me everything I know. He taught me that we were as good as the last thing we got published (this was his way of pushing me to get more and better publicity for our clients). He was pushy, alright!

I quickly became his shadow. Everyone knew that whatever Enrique was doing, I was behind it.

But as I mentioned, he was not only my boss. He was my guardian angel and my father. He was the father I always wished to have. Enrique was always there, looking out for me, making sure I was alright, doing whatever he needed to do for me to accomplish my dreams. I wanted a new computer; a new computer I got. I wanted a new car: “What features do you need in this new car?” I wanted to buy a house: “Let me raise your salary so you can afford it.” That was my Enrique, with a heart bigger than himself!

I traveled with him, confided in him, hung out with him, and shared everything with him. Things I never got to do with my own dad.

Eventually, things didn’t go as planned, and I had to venture out and make a name for myself in a very different environment. Needless to say, he got me the new job.

We never lost our connection, even when I changed jobs. As I said, he was ALWAYS there!

Enrique left me and everyone who loved him on December 9, 2019, and I wasn’t there. I cried nonstop for hours that day. A part of me died with him. Not a day goes by that I don’t remember his greatness, his love, his jokes and beautiful smile. He was larger than life!

Every day, I hope he is still with us so I can share my accomplishments, my happiness and every good thing around me. I always dreamed he would walk me down the aisle, and although that will not happen, I know he is my guardian angel in heaven, proudly watching over me.

People come in and out of our lives every day. Cherish those around you (family or not family); tell them how much you love and care for them every day. And, most importantly, be grateful for every moment you spend with them.

“Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow,” – Melody Beattie

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