Embracing Imperfection

Embracing Imperfection

We see it everywhere and especially in women: The constant pressure to achieve perfection in many aspects of our lives. What we may not realize is that the need for perfection can often stem from our inner critic (the very thoughts we tell ourselves).

Perfectionism is often a response to past trauma, manifesting as an unrelenting need for flawless results (or what we show to others). It’s sometimes a strategy that we used as small children to achieve love or rewards. If we were “perfect” things might be okay. Fast forward to adulthood and many of us are still using the same strategy, even though we’re much bigger and grown. Only, with the demands of being an adult (and just as a child) being 100% perfect all of the time just isn’t realistic. It’s not possible. Yet, so many of us are trying to achieve some level of that – just so things might be or feel okay.

Consider these steps to Embrace Imperfection:

  • Practice Self-Compassion:. The first step in accepting imperfection is learning to give kindness and compassion to ourselves. It’s about acknowledging our efforts without harsh words or thoughts used in our minds. Embracing imperfection creates space for authenticity and vulnerability, leading to deeper connections. Setting an example of being kind to yourself can also benefit your friends and family as well by creating a new standard of grace.
  • How often have we cheered on and supported to friends in need? It’s time to turn that compassion inward. Speak to yourself (especially in your mind) as with the kindness you would give to a friend. Paying attention to your inner-dialogue can be a practice to get used to in itself! You may be surprised in what type of inner-dialogue you’re having.
  • Celebrate Progress: Every step forward, however small, is worth celebrating. We often go through small milestones without celebration – as if we don’t deserve it until we get to “perfect.” Life isn’t about reaching an ideal; it’s about relishing the journey.
  • Reframe Mistakes: Mistakes are not failures; they’re stepping stones to help us grow. Each stumble, each error, presents an opportunity to learn and become better versions of ourselves. We are usually doing the best we can with the tools that we have in each moment. Remember that. Give yourself grace.

The pursuit of perfection keeps us from taking risks or embracing new opportunities to grow and learn. When we set unrealistic standards, the fear of failure holds us back. In allowing ourselves to let go of this exhausting pursuit of flawlessness, we can find the courage to explore new things, learning new skills, and discovering new passions.

Remember, by embracing imperfection, we can slowly free ourselves from the voices in our head that tell us we aren’t good enough. We are more than enough, exactly as we are.

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