An Unbeatable Guide to Holiday Fundraising For Nonprofits

The holiday season is a great time for nonprofits to raise funds. But it’s not solely about the money, rather it’s about how you’re communicating as an organization. Here are some holiday fundraising tips that will help keep your organization and your supporters have a thorough understanding of your ‘ask’ and be more engaged than ever before.

Utilize Your Organization’s Webpage

Establish a stellar landing page where people can donate online and utilize this as a dynamic marketing tool. Ensure your landing page has visuals, is clear, and showcases how their donation will impact others.  Also, don’t’ forget your donation button which should be larger in size than your other text.

Expand Social Media Efforts 

Content is critical during the holidays. If people see that you’re putting effort into creating engaging content, they’re more likely to trust your organization and donate more easily. That means photos, videos (even if they’re short!), and other visual content that shows off what your organization does best, as well as a short copy with a clear call to action will be sure to provide a great result. Leverage all social media platforms to reach different audiences and meet them where they are.

Know Your Audience

Fundraising is never ‘one-size-fits-all’. You’ll want to have a comprehensive understanding of your donor base and segment your communication with them. This will allow both your context and donation brackets to be approached uniquely, fitting their needs. You’ll want to communicate differently for new donors, recurring donors, how they’ve engaged with your nonprofit, etc.

Get Creative When Showing Appreciation to Your Donors

Create a team of volunteers willing to help during the holidays by making calls, sending emails or letters to thank your organization’s donors. Showing appreciation to your donors shows good stewardship and creates long-lasting relationships that lead to more generosity.

There are plenty of ways for your nonprofit to utilize the holidays to boost its fundraising efforts. We’d love to hear what your organization is doing.

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