3 Ways to Deliver Next-Level Donor Recognition

By Jackie Sue Griffin, MBA, MS

Your donors will transition through giving levels when they are ready, and so each will have a unique donor journey. But that’s not to say that you can’t guide one-time and occasional donors along the way.

One of the best ways to increase engagement and help guide donors to the next level of stewardship is by expressing your gratitude through donor recognition.

Meaningful recognition can strengthen valuable donor relationships and also encourage other donors to get involved. But thanking your donors for their support is more than a strategy to improve donor retention and encourage continued involvement in your cause. It also demonstrates alignment with your values as a nonprofit organization, increasing your level of transparency with the donor and proving your commitment to the words in your vision and mission statements.

Here are ways to express gratitude to donors that will help them transition to the next level of support.

Personalized Thank You Messages

Yes, you’ve read this idea before. But it is truly that important: Every donor should be thanked, regardless of level and donation amount.

An automated and general “thank you” immediately after a donation can feel impersonal. Instead, make online donation confirmation pages more engaging by adding video content or impactful visuals illustrating the cause they’re supporting.

To make your donor’s first experience unforgettable and encourage repeat donations, try personalizing thank-you messages—from emails to handwritten notes and even videos showing the work their contribution makes happen.

Engaging Appreciation Videos

Video remains one of the most engaging and entertaining forms of content; it’s also one of the most authentic. In your videos, donors can actually see the impact of their gift, whether you work with kids, animals or the environment.

Don’t overlook the power of the personal touch: Include your organization’s staff and volunteers saying thank you directly to the donor. Your thank you message can be sent directly to the donor and shared across social media.

Donor Recognition Microsites

A dedicated web page or microsite for your donors gives you a space to express your gratitude and acknowledge their generosity publicly. Include links to the microsite in all your emails and across all social channels. You can even give donors the option to share more than their name by asking for their photo or company logo.

This kind of microsite or page also acts as a shareable link for marketing their community involvement—and a powerful way to encourage other individuals and brands in their network to participate.

Of course, some donors don’t want each gift or their name publicized; always ask permission before adding a donor’s name anywhere or sharing information about their philanthropic involvement with your organization.

When it comes to customized donor recognition programs, you can spend significant amounts of money on third-party tools and services—or keep costs low by using existing in-house talent.

Whatever you invest in terms of funds, it is non-negotiable that you spend the time and effort to make donor recognition a consistent part of your donor recruitment, stewardship and retention.


Here at JSG & Associates, we support the passionate leaders who make nonprofits successful. For more information about us, visit our website.

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