Six Steps to Team Cohesion

By Jackie Sue Griffin, MBA, MS

Team cohesion can be synonymous with three words: teamwork, cooperation and unity. A team that works together efficiently is a result of a great leader who supports them and encourages them to learn in the process.

Here are a few ways to create team cohesion in your organization:

1. Sync your goals.

From the start, establish clear goals and make sure that everybody understands and is on board. Murky or moving goals can result in outcomes not being reached and conflict. It’s essential to be clear from the start to avoid confusion.

2. Support diversity.

Hire a vast diversity of people, talents, skill sets, viewpoints, personalities and cultures. A team of people from different backgrounds and experiences will foster more creative innovation and ideas, allowing them to learn skills from each other. Not only will this increase their motivation to work, but it will also improve their performance.

3. Delegate authority.

Give the power of decision-making to your employees. Opportunities to problem solve and lead help them grow and improve.

4. Encourage communication.

Without good communication, trust will be difficult to establish as conflicts flourish and unresolved problems fester. Encourage open communication within your teams; teach them the importance of sharing as well as listening. Create an environment where ideas and opinions are accepted and encouraged without fear rejection or dismissal. Stress the value and importance of feedback as a tool for personal, team and organizational growth.

5. Model empathy and kindness.

Perhaps the most essential leadership trait is the ability to understand what it feels like to be in someone else’s shoes and respond with kindness. High-performing teams consistently demonstrate this ability, which they usually mirror from their leader. When employees feel safe in their working environment, trust will flourish. According to the author of One in A Billion: Finding Your Genius Talents and The Motivation Trap, “When we feel safe, we trust! Try criticizing in private, praising in public or other safe practices, and watch the trust build on your team.”

6. Celebrate success.

Highlight individual and team successes to boost employee morale which will increase job satisfaction and productivity! Acknowledging an employee’s or the team’s contribution to your organizational success encourages them to continue to play a more active role. Show them the power of celebrating and enjoying each other’s success.

Here at JSG & Associates, we support the passionate leaders who make nonprofits successful. For more information about us, visit our website.

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