Must-Read Titles for Female Nonprofit Leaders

By Jackie Sue Griffin, MBA, MS

Authors such as Ann Mei Chang, Beth Kanter, Jacqueline Novogratz, Amy Cuddy and Angela Duckworth are genuinely women of empowerment with a passion for changing the world. Any of their titles below would be an excellent addition to your personal development and inspiration library!

1. The Blue Sweater by Jacqueline Novogratz

This is an empowering book from a remarkable woman who pursued humanitarian work through a nonprofit venture capital fund, Acumen Fund. Novogratz’s mission is to end suffering, care for the sick, feed the hungry and empower the poor. Her book is about closing the gaps between the rich and the poor, and her Acumen Fund continues to influence generations of donors and recipients. With pioneers like Novogratz leading the way, female leaders can do more to transform life for the better.

2. The Networked Nonprofit by Beth Kanter and Randi Zuckerberg

This title has been described as the perfect handbook or the “google map” for those venturing into the nonprofit sector. The authors have traced the evolution of nonprofit communications and layout how our organizations can succeed in the world of social media by debunking myths and misconceptions. Their real-world examples of new ways to stay connected will give you insight for operating through social technologies to be more impactful in pursuing your mission. Use their step-by-step guidance to help harness social media networks’ potential and change your organization from within.

3. Presence: Bringing Your Boldest Self to Your Biggest Challenges by Amy Cuddy

Here’s the title you need if what you want is to access your own power. Learn to stop worrying about other people’s impressions and focus on adjusting your self-perception. Embrace the science that allows you to influence the mind and combat fear. Adjust your physical posture and body language to impact not only others’ but also your own view of yourself. Develop your confidence and power of presence through “power poses” and body-mind effects so that you project the leadership power you truly possess.

4. Lean Impact: How to Innovate for Radically Great Social Good by Ann Mei Chang

This is a great book for teams as well as individuals who want to make an enormous impact through actionable strategies. Chang, a leading advocate for social innovations, applies her bold ideas to social impact spaces and offers insights to help achieve the greater good in industries. Make this a book club option to learn how to incorporate social design, business models, influencing partners and adequate tuning logistics in your organization.

5. Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance by Angela Duckworth

As a professor and researcher, Duckworth shared her thoughts on what makes people successful: It’s not extreme intelligence; it’s a combination of passion and long-term perseverance. Whether you’re just out or have been leading nonprofits for years, this title can help you dig deeper than you ever thought possible to use grit to reach your goals and achieve success.

Here at JSG & Associates, we support the passionate leaders who make nonprofits successful. For more information about us, visit our website.

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