Introducing our First Keepers of the Flame Scholarship Recipient!


It’s no secret that women earn less than men in the U.S. or that the wealth divide disproportionately impacts women of color. We need to change this!

More than 23 percent of Black women of color lived in poverty in 2015, more than double that of white women—and more than three times that of white men. The median wealth of a single White woman was $15,640 in 2015 compared to only $200 for a single Black woman and just $100 for a single Latina woman.

So, ALL women, but especially women of color, have decreased ability to bounce back from financial setbacks, which the global pandemic presented from multiple angles—shuttered businesses, lost jobs, increased demands for childcare and homeschooling in the form of virtual lessons. Half of all Black and Latino households struggle to pay basic expenses.

Funds, then, for schooling or investing in launching or growing a business are hard to come by. This ends now!

We’re so thrilled to announce the JSG & Associates Keepers of the Flame scholarship program. The goal of this scholarship program is to provide much-needed assistance to women. Through direct payments of what we consider seed money, a woman can invest in herself and her best life through professional or business growth opportunities.

We are very proud to name Donna Lopez, right, the very first winner of our new Keepers of the Flame scholarship in memoriam of her sister, left. And we’d like to let her introduce herself and share how she’ll be using these funds to change lives!


My name is Donna Lopez. Last November, my sister Milagros Dolores Lopez’s battle with Lupus came to an end.

Like many with Lupus, it was not the disease itself that took her, but complications caused by a weakened immune system.

My sister was passionate about her family and being with them—and she was always encouraging others in the way she knew best, with laughter and comfort. For this reason, I have chosen to establish the Milagros Lupus Survivor Scholarship in her memory.

In Spanish, “Milagros” means miracle—and that is what I hope this opportunity provides to others.

Milagros worked for 32 years in the Newburgh City, NY, school system as an aide. It was her avenue for living her passion and fulfilling her mission: helping others achieve their greatest potential. She was, in many ways, a miracle for those who struggled in school—until they met her.

The Milagros Lupus Survivor Scholarship will be her legacy of love and help many others who will never have the joy of knowing her to succeed in their education.

September 15-October 15 is Hispanic Heritage Month, a time we celebrate the advancement of Latinx people. I intend to award this scholarship to a Latinx person who is in school, advancing their education. My team, My Sister’s Keeper, will present the scholarship during the National Walk to End Lupus on October 16th. (Thank you to everyone who donated and helped me reach my goal of $1,000 for Lupus research!)

October 17th would have been Milagros’ birthday. I can’t think of a more perfect gift than a scholarship that will memorialize her while also passing along the flame of her passion for education and those who seek it.

I want to thank JSG & Associates for providing me with this golden opportunity to honor my sister, Milagros, and the continued advancement of the Latinx people.

I am forever grateful.


Here at JSG & Associates, we support the passionate leaders who make nonprofits successful. For more information about us, visit our website.

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