Bullet Journaling for Mental Wellness: 3 Steps to Get Started

Bullet Journaling for Mental Wellness: 3 Steps to Get Started

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the thoughts swirling around in our heads, but writing all of those thoughts down can be a powerful tool to overcome anxiety and stress. Bullet journaling can help take things once step further – giving structure to our thoughts and feelings, and even our future plans. A bullet journal is a space to express your feelings through words, doodles, or even collages. Creating it can be incredibly cathartic, allowing you to process complex emotions and gain insights into your mental health or daily habits.

Bullet Journaling vs. Keeping a Diary

Bullet journaling is about more than just jotting down to-do lists and appointments, like you do with your daily planner. It’s also different than simply writing down your thoughts or emotions from the day in a traditional diary. Bullet journaling is a way to declutter our minds and express thoughts and feelings that we may not even be able to put into words. The best part of bullet journaling is the absence of expectations or structure. Unlike traditional planners, there are no rules, no lines, and no boxes to fill in. You’re free to create whatever resonates with you and reflects your personality on that particular day.

Getting Started

If you’re just getting started, all you really need is a pen and a blank notebook. Markers can be a great addition so that you can add tons of color to your journal and really get creative. The possibilities are truly endless! You can begin by creating a few basic pages that can add structure to your journal:

  • Brain Dump Page: This is a space where you can unload all of the thoughts swirling around in your head, without worrying about organizing them in any particular order. It’s a go-to when you feel anxious or overwhelmed, or you can’t go to sleep without verbalizing or writing things down that you might forget before morning.
  • I’m Proud of Myself Page: In a world where self-doubt and criticism are far too normalized, take the time to celebrate YOU. This simple practice can change how you see yourself, how you feel about being productive, and teach you positive habits of self-praise to combat any self-doubt that comes up during your day. On this page, jot down moments when you feel proud of yourself, whether it’s working on a challenging project, overcoming a fear, or just practicing self-care.
  • Goals and Manifestation Pages: These can serve as a powerful tool for shaping your life into exactly what you envision for yourself. By verbalizing, writing down, and organizing your thoughts about your future plans and your goals, you set the stage for success and inviting abundance into your life. Whether you’re dreaming of a new career opportunity, a loving relationship, or improved health, these pages can help you clearly see the path to your desires and take action to make those goals your reality.

Ultimately, the beauty of bullet journaling is in its adaptability. There’s no right or wrong way to journal – only what feels right for you! Whether you’re using it to track your to-do lists, let your creativity loose, or nurture your mental wellness, your bullet journal is a reflection of YOU. It should always be equally as unique as you are.

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