03 Oct NFusion IV System of Care Wins Landmark Grant to Elevate Mental Health Services in North Mississippi’s Rural Communities
NFusion IV System of Care Wins Landmark Grant to Elevate Mental Health Services in North Mississippi’s Rural Communities
Expanding Access to Trauma and Grief Informed, Culturally Responsive Care in Alcorn, DeSoto, Prentiss, Tippah, and Tishomingo Counties
Region IV Mental Health Services was awarded another four-year System of Care grant by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). The NFusion IV System of Care will improve mental health outcomes for children, youth and young adults (birth to age 21) at risk for or with serious emotional disturbance (SED) and their families by expanding access to trauma and grief informed, culturally responsive evidence-based mental health services and related recovery support services, improved policy, practice and infrastructure, cross-agency collaboration and sustainable financing for 5 rural medically underserved counties in North Mississippi, Alcorn, DeSoto, Prentiss, Tippah, and Tishomingo.
“The NFusion IV System of Care grant will improve access to quality care for more than 300 children and families and improve mental health outcomes,” said Jackie Sue Griffin, Executive Director of Jackie Sue Griffin & Associates and grant writer for the award.
Evidence-based practices and programs include Screening, Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT), Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF CBT), Moral Recognition Therapy (MRT), Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Dialectical Behavior Therapy; Peer-Recovery Support Services and Mental Health First Aid. System of care services will expand trauma and grief-informed care, cultural and linguistically responsive evidence-based mental health services, and suicide prevention.
About Jackie Sue Griffin & Associates: Jackie Sue Griffin & Associates is a leading consulting firm specializing in behavioral health, healthcare and social services and assists with grant writing, program development, evaluation, capacity building and professional development. With a commitment to creating positive and lasting change, the firm collaborates with organizations to secure grants, develop effective strategies, and implement transformative programs. For more information, visit jsg-associates.com.
About Region IV Mental Health Services: Region IV Mental Health Services is a Community Mental Health Center with 51 years of experience in serving diverse populations in Alcorn, Prentiss, Tippah, and Tishomingo counties and Desoto County since 2010. Region IV Mental Health Services provides outpatient services to individuals in need of mental health and alcohol and drug abuse at facilities in Region IV and holds 12 years of experience implementing the NFusion IV System of Care services. Region IV Mental Health Services remains committed to improving access to quality care while delivering trauma-informed, culturally competent and person-centered treatment.
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