Letting Go of Those Who Disturb Your Peace

By Tiffany RuckerMBA

Practicing self-care means deliberately doing what is best for you. That doesn’t necessarily mean “me first,” but it does mean “me now.”

Knowing—and editing—who is in your circle is one of the best things you can do to care for yourself.

Family members can be a source of toxicity in your life, and sometimes you don’t even realize it. It’s important to remember that you are not obligated to hang on to people who bring misery in your life—blood relations or not.

You absolutely can choose who you acknowledge as your “family.” Choose people who bring peace into your life.

It may be hard to think about letting go of people you grew up with. But be assured that choosing peace of mind is always the right decision.

At least once a year, it’s essential to take stock of your circle.

Ask: Who am I interacting with the most?

Now ask: Why am I interacting with them?

If they bring you energy and joy, let them know—and thank them for being part of your family.

If it’s simply for work or out of obligation, then pay attention to the way a person makes you feel and how they respond to you. Your intuition will guide you when it comes to people to keep close—and to let go.

Remember to practice kindness to all people, even if they are now outside of your circle. But learn to be okay with socially distancing from anyone trying to steal your joy.

Decide today to clean up your circle and remove anyone who disturbs your peace.

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Tiffany Rucker is a small business and financial literacy coach as well as wife, mom and special needs advocate. She lives in Tampa, Fla.

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