My Friend’s Story of Being LGBTQ And How She Made Her Family Whole

My Friend’s Story of Being LGBTQ And How She Made Her Family Whole

My Friend’s Story of Being LGBTQ And How She Made Her Family Whole

I write this for my friend as it is too painful for her to write. He name is ‘Sarah,’ and she is a lesbian and of the Indian community. Her parents banned her from speaking to them when they found out about her sexual orientation. She faced many other adversities, from struggling financially to keeping her spirits up.

She finally found a partner she felt she could settle down with, someone she loved. And she wanted to start a family. She and her wife decided to use a donor to get pregnant; after a few attempts, it worked, and their baby was on the way! Sarah was overjoyed with her pregnancy but felt uneasy speaking about it with others; she still carried her family’s embarrassment over her shoulders.

Sarah had a bakery business with a partner who was heterosexual and pregnant at the same time. Carrying the shame from her parents, Sarah decided not to tell others about her pregnancy, even as she was clearly visibly showing that she was expecting. Her business partner received gifts from their customers, congratulating her and even throwing her a baby shower. Sarah had none.

Eventually, Sarah made it to her due date and was thrilled with excitement. When her baby was born, she was so in love!

Sarah’s baby grew up into a young child and had to explain to the kids at preschool that she had two moms. They didn’t understand why she didn’t have a dad. Sarah started to face new adversity and she didn’t want her baby to feel the shame she had felt from her family

As she managed to give her baby a view of a beautiful life with two moms, things started to take a turn with her wife. Her wife was no longer engaged in the relationship and became abusive. They tried to stay together for a few more years, but her wife was having feelings of resentment and didn’t want to be in the relationship longer.

Sarah had to make the tough decision to go out alone with her and her now young child. This wasn’t the first time she felt alone and abandoned by her loved ones.

Fast forward a few years, Sarah now has a new life partner who values her child as much as she does. She and her partner make a great team. Sarah now can battle tough conversations of being gay with someone for what feels like the first time in her life.

Also, she began to talk with her parents again and resume her relationship with them through the guidance of family therapy.

She felt shunned, misunderstood, shamed and unwanted, and now she is thriving and celebrating her life and family.

June marks Pride Month and it’s a time when she can explain to her child who she really is and what it means – and why she is proud to have two moms.

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